First Post

Hello world! The focus of this E-Portfolio (in progress) will be on the importance of differing perspectives on environmental topics to provide greater understanding and more mindful solutions. There are many schools of thought on the subject: should there be a singular ethical and cultural standard to construct a unified framework for environmental issues? In one view, there should indeed be a unified standard, for environmental issues is a global problem. How else can we all agree on what constitutes as an environmental problem and what constitutes as a solution to said problem? I will contend that such a path, although may result in faster solutions and reduced friction along the way, may not result in the best solutions. The way to approach these environmental issues should be from multiple angles and multiple perspectives for it may result in more innovative, out-of-the-box solutions that may also consider more aspects of the problem and its consequences. It is easy be unknowingly biased when one is accustomed to to a singular world view, as many axioms that we hold dear and construct our logic upon may merely be artifacts of culture that do not hold true universally. We will be exploring the concept of perspective in relation to environmental issues by building upon the groundwork laid by the papers of anthropologists, environmentalists, and philosophers of the past, and I hope you will enjoy the ride!